Primo Maggio a Dublino: Scargill e l'Internazionale

14 anni 834 Visualizzazioni

Il servizio della TV delle Trade Unions Irlandesi May Day Dublin 2010 with Arthur Scargill hosted by the Dublin Council of Trades Unions Hundreds marched in support of a better and fairer way for workers and society from Parnell Square to Liberty Hall. Speakers included Hilda Regaspi from the Domestic Workers Action Group, Arthur Scargill, Phil McFadden (President, Dublin Trades Council), Sam Nolan (Secretary, Dublin Trades Council and Louise O'Reily, Siptu. Many different Unions and workplaces were represented, but as always there's room for more. So if you didn't see your Union banner there make sure Head Office has the banners and placards ready for your work/union/organisation contingent. Watch the video to see who was there and why May Day is an important day for us all. There is extra footage and images on the Dublin Council of Trades Unions Facebook page, so follow the link, become a fan and spread the word!